Welcome to QoLII
The Quality-of-Life Improvement Initiative (QoLII) is an integral part of the Quality Improvement Institute of Nigeria (QIIN).
QoLII is a pivotal component of the Quality Improvement Institute of Nigeria (QIIN), serving as a platform for integrating and implementing a wide range of programs and activities. Its overarching aim is to positively impact Nigerians, both at the individual and community levels.
QoLII is committed to continually celebrating the progress that drives the nation forward. Whether through trainings and research for needs assessments, implementing well-orchestrated programs or interventions, or evaluating impacts, QoLII operates in close partnership with individuals and organizations across Nigeria.
Together, we strive to foster positive change, facilitate the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and enhance the well-being of our communities.
We strive to improve the quality of life (QoL).
Quality of life (QoL) is a multifaceted concept that encompasses the overall well-being of individuals and communities. It captures the full spectrum of life experiences, considering both positive and negative aspects that define an individual’s or community’s existence at a given moment.
At its core, QoL is about measuring the degree and ensuring that people’s needs, desires, and goals are being met, considering a wide range of factors.
Learn more about the quality of life at individual and community levels.
Click HERE to download the QoLII Volunteer-Led Initiative Proposal Form